Basic concepts of, and information from, radionuclide decay are used in man
y applications. Many of these applications require a knowledge of half-live
s and radiation energies and emission probabilities. For over 50 years, peo
ple have compiled and evaluated measured data and combined these with theor
etical results with the goal of obtaining the best values of these quantiti
es. This has resulted in numerous sets of recommended values, many of which
still have scientific, historical, or national reasons for existing. These
sets show varying degrees of agreement and disagreement in the quoted valu
es and varying lime lags in incorporating new and improved experimental res
ults. A new international group made up of six evaluators from four countri
es was formed in 1995 to carry out evaluations for radionuclides of importa
nce in applications; it is expected that the results will become an authori
tative and widely accepted set of decay data. This Decay Data Evaluation Pr
oject has selected nuclides to be evaluated, the methodology to be used, an
d a review and approval process. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights