The detection of significant levels of certain gamma and beta emitting isot
opes could allow on-site inspection teams working under the Comprehensive T
est Ban Treaty to localize probable vent and fissure locations. Thus, sophi
sticated drilling and radionuclide measurements could then be made more eff
ectively allowing for a higher probability of correctly identifying a nucle
ar event. In order to address this need we have developed a silicon array c
oupled with a Nal for detecting gammas high-energy betas, and beta-gamma co
incidences. The pursuit of this detection method is now viable since large-
area. high-purity silicon wafers are now commercially available making this
layered, large-area technique technically and economically feasible. We ha
ve designed, constructed, and tested a prototype detector system and we wil
l present out initial test data. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.