The Hubbard I decoupling approximation [J, Hubbard, Proc. R. Sec. London Se
r. A 276, 238 (1963)] is extended by introducing a k-dependent self-energy
which describes a mobile correlation hole of apposite spin propagating alon
g with the electron in its way around the lattice. The theory, despite its
simplicity, (1) becomes exact in the strong-coupling limit; and (2) reprodu
ces with great accuracy the ground-state energy, the double occupancy, the
on-site correlation functions, and the effective hopping for all the values
of the Hubbard Coulomb repulsion U. It also gives reasonable spectral func
tions leading to (3) a single-particle Green function showing the well-know
n spectral-weight transfer between the Hubbard bands as soon as the electro
n density deviates from half-filling, and (4) a momentum distribution as we
ll as magnetic and charge structure factors in qualitative agreement with q
uantum Monte Carlo simulations, slave-boson calculations, and conserving ap
proximations like fluctuation exchange and parquet. On the other hand, as i
n most decoupling schemes, liftime effects and the near-Fermi-level additio
nal structure characteristic of strongly correlated electron systems are mi