Owing to the analogue nature of many industrial processes and the incr
easing use of microprocessor techniques, many circuits nowadays carry
mixed (digital and analogue) signals. As complexities of these circuit
s increase, the testability of mixed-signal circuits has become an imp
ortant issue that must be dealt with by both design and test engineers
. A systematic api,roach to study the testability of mixed-signal circ
uits is urgently needed, because current ad hoc methods cannot efficie
ntly handle increasingly complex and ever-changing circuits. In this p
aper we develop a uniform and systematic approach to the mixed-signal
circuit testability problem. The approach is based on a recently devel
oped theory of discrete event systems. It is suitable for the followin
g tasks: (i) checking the testability of a circuit; (ii) computing the
minimum test set; (iii) finding the fault coverage; (iv) dividing a c
ircuit into testable modules. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.