In this paper particle detachment from a surface by a hydrodynamic mom
ent is analyzed. The detachment occurs when this moment exceeds the mo
ment exerted on the particle by surface forces. An expression for the
moment of surface forces is derived from the existing adhesion models.
This moment is a product of the force acting on the particle and the
variable contact radius, which decreases when the applied force increa
ses. Accordingly, a condition for particle detachment from a smooth su
rface is obtained. In addition, particle detachment from a rough surfa
ce is considered. We show that a single-asperity contact is similar to
the contact of a particle with a smooth surface, but the detaching mo
ment is reduced, because of the lower adhesion force and smaller conta
ct radius. We also consider a particle in contact with two and three a
sperities, and obtain a condition for particle detachment from a rough
surface. It is also shown that the hydrodynamic moment can cause part
icle detachment, while the hydrodynamic lift force is smaller than the
adhesion force by several orders of magnitude. On the other hand, the
lift force exceeds the weight of the particle. Hence, the detached pa
rticle is eventually removed from the surface by this force. (C) 1997
Elsevier Science Ltd.