This review discusses the natural history of growth hormone receptor defici
ency (GHRD) in relation to epidemiology, mortality, growth, certain aspects
of body composition, and intellectual development. The majority of affecte
d individuals are of Semitic origin and 90% come from the Indian peninsula,
the Middle East, or elsewhere in the Mediterranean. There is a twofold inc
reased mortality before the age of 7 years for children with GHRD. Affected
adults may have increased cardiovascular risk resulting from increased tot
al cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, unrelated to adipos
ity or insulin resistance. Intrauterine growth is affected minimally, if at
all. Within a genetically homogeneous population in Ecuador, postnatal gro
wth effects are as variable as in a large genetically heterogeneous populat
ion. There is no influence of parental heights. Areal bone mineral density
is reduced in adults with GHRD, but estimated volumetric bone density (bone
mineral apparent density) is normal. Intellectual development is unaffecte
d by GHRD.