Manual vibratory massage is part of the preventive physiotherapeutic activi
ties performed in intensive care units. The vibratory massage can be perfor
med manually or as electrovibratory massage. The manual massage is a fast r
hythmical vibration performed by the arm and shoulder muscles of the masseu
r and transferred to the patient's thorax by the hand. The hand of the mass
eur has to achieve a tremor with a frequency of 8 to 11 tremors/s. The aim
of the pilot study was to examine the influence of manual vibratory massage
on the pulmonary function of postoperative patients who were receiving mec
hanical ventilation, with special interest being focused on pulmonary venti
lation and perfusion and cerebral blood flow velocity. Manual vibratory mas
sage was performed postoperatively in the intensive care unit on eight pati
ents: three patients had undergone heart transplantation, three had undergo
ne lung transplantation, and two had undergone coronary artery bypass graft
ing (mean age, 53.6 +/- 8 yr). With the aid of continuous monitoring, we ex
amined the changes of the respiration parameters and the cerebral blood flo
w velocity (measured by transcranial Doppler sonography). The vibratory mas
sage was performed with a frequency of 8 to 10 vibrations/s for 15 min, 7.5
min on each side of the thorax, starting from the lower costal arch and pr
ogressing to the upper thoracic aperture. For 10 min before, during, and 10
min after the massage, the parameters of peripheral oxygen saturation, cen
tral venous pressure, mean arterial pressure, heart rate, lung resistance a
nd compliance, tidal volume, respiration rate, and cerebral blood flow velo
city were recorded at 2-min intervals. Moreover, before and after vibratory
massage, arterial blood gases were determined. In four of the eight patien
ts, it was possible to determine pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary cap
illary wedge pressure, as well as pulmonary vascular resistance. During the
vibratory massage, we could prove a significant increase of the mean tidal
volume by 30% (P = 0.008). The percutaneous oxygen saturation significantl
y increased also, from 92 to 93.6% (P = 0.002). Central venous pressure sig
nificantly decreased by 11% (P = 0.04), and pulmonary vessel resistance was
reduced by 18.3% (P = 0.001). The pulmonary resistance decreased from 10.5
to 9.2 H2O/l/s (P < 0.05) by the end of the observation period. Cerebral b
lood flow velocity showed no significant change. Vibratory massage seems to
improve pulmonary mechanism and perfusion, thus, reducing ventilation perf
usion mismatch and increasing oxygen saturation.