The effects of pressure on mu and m-calpain stability and specific activity
have been examined. Activity and stability of these neutral calcium-depend
ent heterodimeric proteinases were studied using an in-house built bioreact
or allowing on-lint spectrophotometric monitoring with retention of pressur
e. Both isozymes were founded to be rather bare-sensitive with t(1/2) at 15
00 bar of 6 min and 11 min for mu and m-calpain respectively. Activity meas
urements under pressure showed a biphasic behavior for both proteinases wit
h a slight activation for pressure up to 500 bar and 750 bar for m and mu-c
alpain respectively. Activation volume changes indicated that the proteolyt
ic reaction was alternatively favored and disfavored by pressure due to cat
alytic step activation associated with enzyme-substrate binding step being
continuously inhibited by pressure. Furthermore, autoproteolysis of calpain
, a calcium dependent phenomenon was inhibited by application of pressure i
ndicating that pressure inhibition of proteolytic activity could also be du
e to Ca2+-binding decrease under pressure. Implication of these results wit
h catalytic mechanism of these heterodimeric proteinases is also discussed.