Motivation: RNA Movies is a system for the visualization of RNA secondary s
tructure spaces. Its input is a script consisting of primary and secondary
structure information. From this script, the system fully automatically gen
erates animated graphical structure representations. III this way it create
s the impression of an RNA molecule exploring irs own two-dimensional struc
ture space.
Results: RNA Movies has been used to generate animations of a switching str
ucture in the spliced leader RNA. of Leptomonas collosoma ann sequential fo
ldings of potato spindle tuber viroid transcripts.
Availability: Demonstrations of the animations mentioned in this paper can
be I viewed on our Bioinformatics web server under the following address: h
ttp://Bielefeld.DE/mamovies/. The RNA Movies software is available upon req
uest from the authors.
Contact: dirk@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE.