Various resin finishing methods were studied to achieve the optimum balance
of improvement in wrinkle recovery and retention in mechanical properties
of ramie fabrics with improved fabric hand. Effects of premercerization and
two different types of durable press (DP) treatments - surface intermolecu
lar crosslinking by a pad-dry-cure process and in-situ polymerization and c
rosslinking (IPC) treatment by a nonconventional wet fixation process -were
investigated in terms of changes in physical and chemical properties of fa
brics. Contribution of silicone softeners to the retention of mechanical pr
operties of DP treated fabrics was also explored.
Results indicated that IPC treatment with a nonconventional wet fixation pr
ocess provided a better balance of fiber resilience and mechanical properti
es of the treated ramie fabrics. This is attributable to the IPC treatment
which facilitates more effective diffusion of the resin monomer into the fi
ber interior, resulting in a structure with better stress distribution. Fur
thermore, results also suggest that inclusion of a silicone softener in the
surface resin treatment can be an effective and practical approach to enha
nce the wrinkle recovery of ramie fabric with a significant improvement in
strength retention.