To assess the impact of antiviral prophylaxis during the first 3 months aft
er transplantation on the frequency, timing, and outcome of cytomegalovirus
(CMV) pneumonia during the first year, 541 adult allogeneic blood and marr
ow transplant recipients were evaluated, Thirty-four patients (6.3%) develo
ped 35 episodes of CMV pneumonia at a mean of 188 days after transplantatio
n, with an associated mortality rate of 76%. Twenty-six episodes (74%) occu
rred late (after day 100), Of the patients with late CMV pneumonia almost a
ll (92%) had chronic graft vs. host disease or had received T cell-depleted
transplants. Fourteen late CMV pneumonias (541) were associated with serio
us concurrent infections, and 100%, of these episodes were fatal. In conclu
sion, although the frequency of CMV pneumonia in the early posttransplantat
ion period may be substantially reduced by prophylaxis, CMV continues to be
a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the late period. Some subsets
of patients need more prolonged surveillance and prophylaxis and/or preempt
ive therapy.