Objective: To examine the perceived clinical relevance, current practice an
d knowledge of somatosensory testing in three professional groups involved
in the management and rehabilitation of stroke.
Design: Structured postal questionnaire sent to therapists and doctors.
Subjects: One hundred and eighty occupational therapists from the National
Association of Neurological Occupational Therapists (NANOT), 180 physiother
apists from the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists with an Interest
in Neurology (ACPIN) and 360 doctors from the Association of British Neurol
ogists (ABN) and the British Geriatrics Society (BSG).
Setting: Hospitals and rehabilitation centres in the UK.
Results: Replies were obtained from 84 occupational therapists (47%), 98 ph
ysiotherapists (55%) and 78 doctors (22%). Sixty-four occupational therapis
ts (77%), 82 physiotherapists (84%) and 66 doctors (87%) indicated that the
y routinely performed somatosensory assessment as part of their clinical as
sessment. The two most commonly used measures were proprioception and light
touch. Seventy-eight occupational therapists (93%), 88 physiotherapists (9
0%) and 67 doctors (91%) regarded sensory assessment as clinically signific
ant in determining prognosis after stroke.
Conclusions: Despite published reservations concerning its usefulness and r
eliability, most therapists and doctors routinely assess somatosensory toss
after stroke. All three professions agreed that somatosensory testing pres
ented useful information for prognosis, Furthermore, all professional group
s believe somatosensory assessment to be clinically relevant.