We concentrate here on decomposition of 2D objects into meaningful parts of
visual form, or visual parts. It is a simple observation that convex parts
of objects determine visual parts, However, the problem is that many signi
ficant visual parts are not convex, since a visual part may have concavitie
s. We solve this problem by identifying convex parts at different stages of
a proposed contour evolution method in which significant visual parts will
become convex object parts at higher stages of the evolution, We obtain a
novel rule for decomposition of 2D objects into visual parts, called the hi
erarchical convexity rule, which states that visual parts are enclosed by m
aximal convex (with respect to the object) boundary arcs at different stage
s of the contour evolution. This rule determines not only parts of boundary
curves but directly the visual parts of objects. Moreover, the stages of t
he evolution hierarchy induce a hierarchical structure of the visual parts.
The more advanced the stage of contour evolution, the more significant is
the shape contribution of the obtained visual parts. (C) 1999 Academic Pres