FeedByte (R) - Ration formulation and evaluation

Jl. Schofield et al., FeedByte (R) - Ration formulation and evaluation, COMPUTERS IN AGRICULTURE, 1998, 1998, pp. 903-909
Categorie Soggetti
Current Book Contents
Year of publication
903 - 909
SICI code
FeedByte(R) is an complex Windows-based interactive program designed to for mulate and evaluate rations for ruminant livestock and to allow winter feed planning in the UK. It is widely used by agricultural advisers, feed speci alists, animal nutritionists and college students. The programme is very flexible and the user can formulate rations as many t imes as he wishes or he can hand steer the ration. Detailed breakdowns of t he diet appear on both screen and printed output. Diets can be formulated using intake factor or ammonia silage based systems , and on a fresh or dry weight basis. Constraints on each feed can be set. Proteins and minerals may be included in the diet, and long roughage, fat a nd crude protein. concentrations may limited in the diet. Detailed output on the animal requirements, the nutrients supplied in the d iet, the diet composition, the diet protein composition and the break even prices for feeds not included in the diet is given. Safety margins on nutrients can also be set.