Despite many prospective randomized clinical studies a specific pharmacothe
rapy for severe acute pancreatitis is not in sight. To date, the only possi
bility to influence the prognosis of this severe illness is early diagnosis
and prevention of intra- and extrapancreatic necrosis and its subsequent i
nfection. In severe necrotizing pancreatitis the incidence of infected necr
osis amounts to 40-70% of all patients within 3 weeks. Thereby, the clinica
l picture often varies to large extent. Ultrasonographically or computertom
ography-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNAC) is a fast and reliable techniq
ue for diagnosis with an overall sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 90%.
This method should however not be applied too early in the course of necro
tizing pancreatitis. Since infection of pancreatic necrosis determines sign
ificantly the prognosis of disease, various studies have assessed the effic
acy of prophylactic antibiotic treatment in patients. Three prospective ran
domized studies have shown that prophylaxis significantly minimizes septic
complications, only in one study, however, the mortality rate could be impr
oved. Although randomized studies are still mandatory to resolve the contro
versy, it seems justified to recommend prophylaxis with antibiotics which a
re capable of penetrating the pancreatic tissue and juice; Sterile necrosis
should be treated conservatively, with prophylactic antibiotic treatment f
or; as long as possible. Only if patients worsen despite intensive care med
icine, surgical debridement should be considered. In contrast, in patients
with infected necrosis immediate surgery is in most cases mandatory. Althou
gh in one prospective study conservative treatment did not lead to an enhan
ced mortality rate, possible delay of surgical treat ment may endanger the
patient. In order to improve the prognosis of the disease, timely and adequ
ate treatment in specialized units provides the best chances for a good pro
gnosis whereby the severely ill patient should not be treated according to
a scheme but to his/her individual needs.