A number of authors have suggested that, within areas a few square meters t
o many square kilometers in size, species diversity appears to peak at mode
rate levels of productivity, and this pattern is currently unexplained. Amo
ng the best examples of this pattern have been description of vegetation in
which species richness declines as soil fertility increases. We tested two
hypotheses that have been proposed to explain this pattern. The interspeci
fic competitive exclusion hypothesis proposes that dominant species suppres
s the growth of competitively subordinate species and exclude subordinate s
pecies as fertility rises. In contrast, the assemblage-level thinning hypot
hesis proposes that individuals of all species tend to become larger as fer
tility rises, and individuals of all species tend to exclude subordinate in
dividuals of each species. Because total density declines, samples of finit
e numbers of individuals will result in fewer species by chance alone.
To test these hypotheses, we established an experimental productivity gradi
ent in a first-year old field using four levels of slow-release NPK fertili
zer (0, 8, 16, and 32 g N/m(2)). At the end of the growing season, we sampl
ed aboveground biomass and numbers of stems for each species in 72 20 x 20
cm subplots (18 reps x 4 levels), with an average sample size of 260 indivi
dual stems per plot. We observed an 80% decline in stem density with increa
sing fertility, and a 50% decline in species richness along this fertility
gradient. A simulation of random thinning along a fertility gradient showed
a nearly identical decline in species richness, supporting the assemblage-
level thinning hypothesis. We also found that responses of individual speci
es to the soil fertility gradient showed virtually no support for interspec
ific competitive exclusion. The overwhelming influence of density found in
this study suggests that plant species richness along many productivity gra
dients may be strongly influenced by total stem density, and that differenc
es in competitive ability among species, although generally important, are
not necessary to create dramatic changes in species richness along fertilit
y gradients.