I. Tajika et al., An on-line prediction algorithm combining several prediction strategies inthe shared bet model, IEICE T INF, E82D(2), 1999, pp. 348-355
One of the most important problems in machine learning is to predict a bina
ry value by observing a sequence of outcomes, up to the present time step,
generated from some unknown source. Vovk and Cesa-Bianchi ct al. independen
tly proposed an on-line prediction model where prediction algorithms are as
sumed to be given a collection of prediction strategies called experts and
hence be allowed to use the predictions they make. In this model, no assump
tion is made about the way the sequence of bits to be predicted is generate
d, and the performance of the algorithm is measured by the difference betwe
en the number of mistakes it makes on the bit sequence and the number of mi
stakes made by the best expert, on the same sequence. In this paper we exte
nd the model by introducing a notion of investment. That is, both the predi
ction algorithm and the experts are required to make bets on their predicti
ons at each time step, and the performance of the algorithm is now measured
with respect to the total money lost, rather than the number of mistakes.
We analyze our algorithms in the particular situation where all the experts
share the same amount of bets at each time step. In this shared bet model,
we give a prediction algorithm that is in some sense optimal but impractic
al, and we also give an efficient prediction algorithm that turns out to be
nearly optimal.