Steady-state hydrodynamic theory, or variations thereof, has been applied t
o long-rod penetration since the 1940s, It is generally believed that proje
ctile strength is of little consequence at high velocities, and that hydrod
ynamic theory is applicable to long-rod penetration when penetration pressu
res are much greater than the target flow stress. Substantiating this belie
f is the observation that at approximately 2.5 km/s, for tungsten alloy pro
jectiles into armor steel, normalized penetration (P/L) nominally saturates
to the classical hydrodynamic limit of the square root of the ratio of the
projectile to target densities. Experimental data herein, however, show pe
netration velocities and instantaneous penetration efficiencies fall below
that expected from hydrodynamic theory, even at impact velocities as high a
s 4.0 km/s, Numerical simulations, using appropriate strength values, are i
n excellent agreement with the experimental data. Parametric studies demons
trate that both projectile and target strength have a measurable effect eve
n at such high impact velocities. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights