Objective: To assess the effects on information exchange of electronic comm
unication between physicians co-treating diabetic patients. Design: Compari
son of traditional paper-based communication for reporting and electronic c
ommunication. Setting: General practitioners and an internal medicine outpa
tient clinic of an urban public hospital. Subjects: A total of 275 diabetic
patients, and the 32 general practitioners and one internal medicine consu
ltant who cared for them. Intervention: An electronic communication network
; linking up the computer-based patient records of the physicians, thus ena
bling electronic data interchange. Main outcome measures: Number of letters
sent and received per year by the general practitioners, the number of dia
betes-related parameters (e.g. results of laboratory tests) in the patient
records, and HBA1C levels. Results: Intervention GPs received more messages
per year (1.6 per patient) than control GPs (0.5 per patient, P < 0.05). S
ignificant higher availability (P < 0.05) was achieved for data on HBA1C le
vels, fructosamine levels, blood pressure measurements, cholesterol levels,
triglyceride levels and weight measurements. Intervention patients showed
a slight but significant decrease of HBA1C levels in the second semester of
1994 (from 7.0 to 6.8, P = 0.03), control patients also showed a slightly
decreased group mean, but this change was not significant (from 6.6 to 6.5,
P = 0.52). The magnitudes of these mean differences, however, were not sig
nificantly different (intervention group: 0.21; control group: 0.12, P = 0.
68). Conclusions: The electronic communication network for exchanging consu
ltation outcomes significantly increased frequency of communication and the
availability of data to the general practitioner on diagnostic procedures
performed in the hospital, thus providing more complete information about t
he care that patients are receiving. A large-scale experiment over a longer
period of time is needed to assess the effects of improved communication o
n quality of care. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserv