Australian rainfall variability and its relationship with the Southern Osci
llation index (SOI) and global sea surface temperature (SST) variability is
considered in both observational datasets and ensembles of multidecadal si
mulations using two different atmospheric general circulation models forced
by observed SSTs and sea ice extent, Monthly and seasonal time series have
been constructed to examine the observed and modeled relationships,
The models show some success in the Australian region, largely reproducing
the observed relationships between rainfall, the SOI, and global SSTs, albe
it better in some seasons and geographical regions than others. A partition
of the rainfall variance into components due to SST forcing and internal v
ariability, suggests that both models have too much internal variability ov
er the central eastern half of the continent, especially during austral win
ter and spring. Consequently, the strength of the SOI and SST relationships
tend to be underestimated in this region. The largest impact of SST forcin
g is seen over the tropical and western parts of the continent.
A principal component analysis reveals two dominant rotated modes of rainfa
ll variability that are very similar in both the observed and modeled cases
. One of these modes is significantly correlated with SST anomalies to the
north-northwest of Australia (in the case of the models) and the SST gradie
nt between the Indonesian archepelago and the central Indian Ocean (in the
observed case). The other mode is significantly correlated with the typical
SST anomaly pattern associated with the Ei Nino-Southern Oscillation. Corr
elative maps between the principal component time series and the modeled MS
LP, 700-hPa, and 300-hPa geopotential heights are used to explore the under
lying physical processes associated with these statistical relationships.