Nonlipophilic corynebacteria associated with clinical and subclinical masti
tis in daily cows were found to belong to four species: Corynebacterium amy
colatum, Colynebacterium ulcerans, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, and
Corynebacterium minutissimum. These species may easily be confused. However
, clear-cut difference between C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis were f
ound in their acid production from maltotriose and ethylene glycol, suscept
ibility to vibriostatic agent O129, and alkaline phosphatase. Absence of gr
owth at 20 degrees C and lack of alpha-glucosidase and 4MU-alpha-o-glycosid
e hydrolysis activity differentiated C. amycolatum from C. pseudotuberculos
is and C. ulcerans. The mastitis C. pseudotuberculosis strains differed fro
m the biovar equi and ovis reference strains and from caprine field strains
in their colony morphologies and in their reduced inhibitory activity on s
taphylococcal beta-hemolysin, C. amycolatam was the most frequently isolate
d nonlipophilic corynebacterium.