Brown trout Salmo trutta populations of numerous Swiss rivers are declining
. Sewage plant effluents are discussed as a possible cause. To investigate
the influence of sewage plant effluents, brown trout as well as rainbow tro
ut Oncorhynchus mykiss were exposed to 10% diluted waste water over a perio
d of 12 months. The effects were compared to those on trout kept in commerc
ial tap water. The mortality rate was low and no pathogenic bacteria or vir
uses were recorded in exposed and tap-water animals. Parasitological examin
ation revealed a mild infestation with Gryodactylus sp. in all groups. Macr
oscopically and histologically, only minor changes in gills, skin, and kidn
ey of exposed animals were found when compared to fish kept in tap water. D
egenerative and inflammatory reactions in the liver of exposed animals were
the most prominent findings. Several brown trout caught in the River Lange
te showed marked proliferative, degenerative and inflammatory lesions of gi
lls, liver, and kidney. The results do not suggest that waste-water effects
would explain the decrease of fish populations. However, it is conceivable
that the effluents in combination with other factors in the river enhance
the development of changes. (C) 1999 The Fisheries Society of the British I