Adsorption of hydrogen on graphitic nanofibers has been computed from Grand
Canonical Monte Carlo simulations. The graphite platelet spacing has been
optimized to maximize the weight fraction of hydrogen adsorbed. Comparison
of experimental data of Rodriguez and co-workers (Chambers, A; Park, C.; Ba
ker, R. T. K.; Rodriguez, N. M. J. Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 4253) with adso
rption isotherms from simulations indicate that the phenomenal uptake obser
ved from experiments cannot be explained in terms of reasonable solid-fluid
potentials. We have varied the strength and range of the solid-fluid poten
tial in order to reproduce the experimental excess adsorption. If the form
of the potential is held constant, the potential well depth must be increas
ed by a factor of about 150 in order to reach the experimental data. If the
range of the attractive well is allowed to increase from r(-6) to r(-4), t
he potential well depth must be increased by about a factor of 30 to match
experimental data. Given the magnitude of the well depths, we conclude that
no physically realistic graphite-hydrogen potential can account for the ad
sorption reported by Rodriguez et al.