The dynamics and thermonuclear fusion parameters of a spinning gas-puff sta
ged pinch are investigated by considering a DT-fibre plasma seeded with a K
r impurity. The effects: of anomalous heating, line radiations from Kr, alp
ha-heating and radiative collapse are studied for different spin velocities
Omega(0), keeping the spin coupling parameter f(0)(= 0.1) fixed. Numerical
results indicate that that choice of Omega(0) is highly critical. Large va
lues of the spin velocities although provide stabilization against the R-T
instability in the final stage of compression, but causes an adverse reduct
ion in thc values of the plasma parameters that are essential to achieve co
ntrolled fusion, Our analysis suggests that a judicious choice of spin velo
city call provide the desired temperature and density when we seed a DT-fib
re plasma with a small fraction of Kr impurity to initiate radiative collap