We present new evolutionary stellar models suitable for old Population I cl
usters, discussing both the consequences of the most recent improvements in
the input physics and the effect of element diffusion within the stellar s
tructures. Theoretical cluster isochrones are presented, covering the range
of ages from 1 to 9 Gyr for the four selected choices of the metallicity Z
= 0.007, 0.010, 0.015 and 0.020. Theoretical uncertainties on the efficien
cy of superadiabatic convection are discussed in some detail. Isochrone fit
ting to the CM diagrams of the two well-observed galactic clusters NGC 2420
and M67 indicates that a mixing-length parameter alpha = 1.9 appears adequ
ate for reproducing the observed colour of cool giant stars. The problems i
n matching theoretical predictions to the observed slope of MS stars are di