Modified purine and pyrimidine bases constitute one of the major classes of
hydroxyl-radical-mediated DNA damage together with oligonucleotide strand
breaks, DNA-protein cross-links and abasic sites. A comprehensive survey of
the main available data on both structural and mechanistic aspects of (OH)
-O-.-induced decomposition pathways of both purine and pyrimidine bases of
isolated DNA and model compounds is presented. In this respect, detailed in
formation is provided on both thymine and guanine whereas data are not as c
omplete for adenine and cytosine. The second part of the overview is dedica
ted to the formation of (OH)-O-.-induced base lesions within cellular DNA a
nd in vivo situations. Before addressing this major point, the main availab
le methods aimed at singling out (OH)-O-.-mediated base modifications are c
ritically reviewed. Unfortunately, it is clear that the bulk of the chemica
l and biochemical assays with the exception of the high performance liquid
chromatographic-electrochemical detection (HPLC/ECD) method have suffered f
rom major drawbacks. This explains why there are only a few available accur
ate data concerning both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the (O
H)-O-.-induced formation of base damage within cellular DNA. Therefore, maj
or efforts should be devoted to the reassessment of the level of oxidative
base damage in cellular DNA using appropriate assays including suitable con
ditions of DNA extraction. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserv