NEW GENUS proposed: Ustanciosporium K. Vanky, type U. rhynchosporae K. Vank
y, sp. nov. (on Rhynchospora rugosa, Cyperaceae).
NEW SPECIES proposed: Aurantiosporium marisci K. & C. Vanky (type on Marisc
us thunbergii, Cyperaceae), Tolyposporium epischoeni K. Vanky (type on Epis
choenus gracilis, Cyperaceae), Sporisorium poleevansii K. Vanky (type on Di
gitaria eriantha and D. monodactyla, Gramineae), and Ustilago drakensbergia
na K. Vanky (type on Digitaria tricholaenoides, Gramineae).