Even if a quantitative echo sounder is calibrated accurately before install
ing its transducer on a ship huh or on a towed body, it is necessary to cal
ibrate it by using a standard sphere during a survey at sea. The sphere cal
ibration is not necessarily easy, however, because the ship must be settled
by anchors and the standard sphere should be suspended on the beam axis of
the transducer; further it is not easy to calibrate the equivalent beam wi
dth. Therefore, another complimentary method is expected to check the quant
itative echo sounder performance. We developed a method to check total perf
ormance, including the equivalent beam width, of quantitative echo sounders
. In the method, we only measure averaged echo intensity from the flat sea
bottom by the echo integrator. If the surface backscattering strength of th
e sea bottom is already known, an absolute check is possible, but if not, a
relative check can be done. First, a relationship between the echo integra
tor output and surface backscattering strength of the sea bottom is derived
and examined by measurements. Next, we conducted an actual performance che
ck of quantitative echo sounders using this method and confirmed the effect
iveness of the proposed method.