The effects of tidal flats on the hydrodynamics of the Tagus estuary are an
alysed using an accurate high-resolution shallow water model, supported by
field data. Tidal flats act mainly as energy filters, rather than sinks, tr
ansferring energy from astronomic to non-linear frequencies. They also play
a major role in determining the strong resonance mode that amplifies semi-
diurnal constituents. We show that the upper estuary, with extensive tidal
flats, has an increasing accretion rate. This "filling-up" results from a p
ositive feedback between sediment deposition and the hydrodynamics: accreti
on in the upper estuary lengthens the duration of ebbs, decreasing sediment
flushing and further increasing accretion. (C) Elsevier, Paris / Ifremer /
Cnrs / Ird.