M. Smelror et al., The Klippfisk formation - a new lithostratigraphic unit of Lower Cretaceous platform carbonates on the Western Barents Shelf, POLAR RES, 17(2), 1998, pp. 181-202
A new Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphic unit of the Western Barents Shelf
, named the Klippfisk Formation, is formally introduced. The formation repr
esents a condensed carbonate succession deposited on platform areas and str
uctural highs, where it consists of limestones and marls, often glauconitic
. The Limestones may have a nodular appearance, and fossil debris, which ar
e dominated by Inoceramus prisms, may be abundant. The Klippfisk Formation
is composed of two members: the Kutling Member defined herein from cores dr
illed on the Bjarmeland Platform, and the coeval Tordenskjoldberget Member
described on Kong Karls Land. The base of the formation is defined by the a
brupt decrease in gamma-ray intensity, where the dark shales of the underly
ing Hekkingen or Agardhfjellet formations are replaced by marls. It is ofte
n unconformable. The Klippfisk Formation is of Berriasian to Early Barremia
n age and appears to be time-transgressive over parts of the western Barent
s Shelf (including Kong Karls Land). It passes laterally into the basinal K
nurr Formation. On Kongsoya (Kong Karls Land) a thin shale unit, bounded by
unconformities, earlier included in the Tordenskjoldberget Member, represe
nts the northernmost extension of the overlying Kolje Formation in the Bare
nts Shelf.