Taichung Veterans General Hospital has been developing a hospital-wide pict
ure archiving and communication system (PACS) since 1993, A personal comput
er-based environment was implemented to reduce costs (only $2,500 for each
view station) and take advantage of distributed system techniques. Other fe
atures of the PACS are automatic image acquisition, hierarchic storage mana
gement, efficient image transmission, robust fault tolerance, and user-frie
ndly image manipulation, The system is integrated with the hospital informa
tion system so that Chinese-language patient data can be automatically tran
sferred. A four-tier storage hierarchy and a multipath search strategy are
used to improve reliability and efficiency. Image compression and efficient
image transmission techniques (autorouting and prefetching) are used to re
duce the response time. Robust fault tolerance is achieved with fault-toler
ant hardware, image replication, and a system watchdog. User-friendly image
manipulation features include easy adjustment of the brightness, contrast,
or quality of the displayed image; several windows for image display; and
image measurement capability. The PACS currently supports computed tomograp
hy, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed radiography, and digit
al fluoroscopy; almost all appropriate personal computers in the hospital c
an be used as view stations. Users are satisfied with the quality, reliabil
ity, and performance of the system.