We tested the hypotheses that hydraulic conductance is lower in old (about
250 years old and 30 m tall) compared to young (about 40 years old and 10 m
tall) Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws. trees and that lower hydraulic condu
ctance of old trees limits their photosynthesis. Hydraulic conductance at t
he end of summer 1995, calculated from leaf water potential and leaf gas ex
change measurements on one-year-old needles, was 44% lower in old trees com
pared to young trees growing in a mixed age-class stand on the east slope o
f the Oregon Cascades. Whole-tree sapflow per unit leaf area averaged 53% l
ower in old trees compared to young trees and mean hydraulic conductance ca
lculated from sapflow and water potential data was 63% lower in old trees t
han in young trees. For the entire summer, stomatal conductance (g(s)) and
assimilation (A) declined more steeply with air saturation deficit (D) in o
ld trees than in young trees. For both old and young trees, mean g(s) and A
were approximately 32 and 21% lower, respectively, at typical midday D val
ues (2.5-3.0 kPa). We hypothesized that if hydraulic conductance limits g(s
), and A, then increasing or decreasing the leaf specific conductance of a
branch will result in proportional changes in the responses of g(s), and A
with D. Removal of 50% of the foliage from a set of experimental branches o
n old trees caused g(s), and A to decline less steeply with D in early summ
er, but values were not significantly different from control values in late
summer. Cutting transverse notches in branches on young trees had no effec
t on the responses of g(s), and A with D. Leaf nitrogen content and photosy
nthetic capacity were similar suggesting that differences in g(s), and A be
tween old and young trees were not caused by differences in photosynthetic