Disorders of the adrenal cortex and medulla are often associated with hyper
tension, which can be cured surgically in many cases or may require specifi
c and timely medical treatments. Therefore, knowledge of adrenal physiology
, biochemistry, and molecular biology is essential such that an appropriate
diagnostic evaluation can be conducted efficiently. The most common hypert
ensive disorder of the adrenal cortex is primary aldosteronism. Aldosterone
-producing adenoma is the most common form of primary aldosteronism and is
most likely to be cured by unilateral adrenalectomy when aldosterone produc
tion is highly autonomous from renin-angiotensin; lateralizes to one adrena
l gland, and is associated with overproduction of 18-hydroxycortiocosterone
and C18-methyloxygenated metabolites of cortisol. Variants of adrenal hype
rplasia that share these characteristics can also be cured by unilateral ad