We adapted a technique to explore the social transmission of spatial inform
ation in homing pigeons, Columba livia. Five demonstrator pigeons were firs
t trained to find a food goal within an indoor arena. This arena consisted
of nine lidded cups laid out within a 12 x 12 grid on the floor. The task w
as to find the goal cup and flip the lid to obtain the food hidden within.
Once the demonstrators had reached criterion the experiment proper began. D
uring stage 1 of the experiment, 10 target birds, which had not previously
been trained to find the goal, were introduced to the spatial task either i
n isolation or paired with a demonstrator. We measured how long they took t
o complete the task, the number of squares crossed on the grid, and the num
ber of incorrect lids flipped. In stage 2, the target birds were introduced
to the arena a second time, by themselves, and we compared the performance
of the birds in the two treatments. The pigeons that had been introduced t
o the task with a demonstrator in stage 1 walked further and made more inco
rrect choices when searching for the food goal in stage 2 than the pigeons
that were introduced to the task alone. This indicates that pigeons learn a
spatial, food-finding task more effectively when performing the task alone
than when accompanied by a knowledgeable conspecific. We discuss possible
reasons for this in the light of previous experiments. (C) 1999 The Associa
tion for the Study of Animal Behaviour.