Interferometric time-resolved two-photon photoemission is measured over an
energy range of 0.5-3.2 eV and a temperature range of 33-300 K for cesiated
low-index surfaces of copper. Reduction of the work function by alkali ato
m adsorption makes it possible to study the coherent and incoherent electro
n dynamics in energy regions where either intraband or interband excitation
dominates. Since most of the energy of 3.08-eV photons is deposited in d-b
and holes, the creation of hot electrons through the Auger decay of d holes
is an important mechanism for delayed production of secondary hot electron
s. Slow electron-hole pair decoherence at the d-band maxima imply a d-hole
lifetime of 24 +/- 3 fs at the top of the d bands. The contribution of Auge
r decay to the hot-electron production leads to non-exponential population
dynamics for hot electrons below 1.5 eV, and a resolvable delayed rise belo
w 0.65 eV. Surprisingly, the delayed secondary hot-electron production appe
ars to be suppressed at low temperatures. The energy and temperature depend
ent contribution of the d-hole decay explains some aspects of the seemingly
anomalous hot-electron lifetimes at the intensity maximum of the d-band tw
o-photon photoemission.