The purpose of this study was to investigate indirect alloreactivity in the
peripheral blood of long-term renal transplanted patients. We evaluated th
e T cell proliferative response to a whole pool of donor cell-derived allop
eptides, processed and presented by host antigen-presenting cells (APC), ra
ther than to synthetic peptides. For the indirect pathway, proliferation as
says were performed using APC-depleted donor cells. Indirect alloreactivity
was detected in 57% (8/14) of the patients, 6 of whom presented no evidenc
e of rejection, but 2 patients had a diagnosis of chronic rejection. In 4 o
f 8 positive cases (50%), proliferation was detected with 5 days of culture
, and sometimes indirect alloresponse was the dominant route. We present ev
idence that the indirect alloproliferative response to a pool of naturally
processed donor peptides is present in the peripheral blood of long-term re
nal transplanted patients irrespective of rejection. (C) 1999 Academic Pres