In an open trial, clozapine was used to treat 3 elderly (mean age 72+/
-2.5 years) institutionalized male patients with bipolar I disorder, m
ost recent episode manic, severe with psychotic features. All patients
were refractory or intolerant of treatment with lithium, valproate, b
enzodiazepines, and traditional neuroleptics both alone and in combina
tion. Response to clozapine was determined using the Severity of Illne
ss score on the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale (1=normal, not
at all ill, 7=among the most extremely ill). Pre-clozapine severity of
illness scores on the CGI averaged 6.33+/-0.6; post-clozapine CGI sco
res averaged 2.0+/-1.0 (t=13.00, df=2, p<.01). The therapeutic dosage
of clozapine varied (range=25-112.5 mg/day). There were no significant
drops in granulocyte counts. Followup revealed sustained improvement
over an average of 11 months. These dramatic results suggest that cloz
apine may be an effective alternative treatment for similar patients a
nd that prospective trials are warranted.