Major Depressive Disorders affect between 2 % and 5 % of adolescents at any
one point in time. Depression in adolescence is associated with serious ps
ychosocial deficits and has negative effects on functioning during young ad
ulthood. Starting with the pioneering work of Lenore Butler and her colleag
ues, many psychosocial interventions have been developed and studied, with
generally positive results. On the basis of a meta-analysis of the existing
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) studies we estimate an overall effect s
ize of 1.27 and that 63% of patients show clinically significant improvemen
t at the end of treatment. It seems reasonable to conclude that CBT has bee
n demonstrated to be an effective treatment for depressed adolescents. In t
his article we describe these interventions, most of which are meant to add
resss the problems shown by depressed adolescents. The purpose of our artic
le is to bring this literature to the attention of clinicians in a manner w
hich quickly and clearly summarizes the key features of the interventions t
o make it easy for clinicians to take advantage of this wealth of informati
on and to avail themselves of the existing resources. We conclude by sugges
ting future directions and sever-al additional areas of application for ado
lescent depression treatments. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd.