Lesions of the prefrontal cortex result in a wide variety of neuropsycholog
ical disorders. Despite recent advances, the executive processes and their
functional architecture remain poorly specified. This study assessed contro
l processes operating in novel, conflicting and combined tasks in patients
with lesion of the prefrontal or posterior cortices. Experiments used two-c
hoice reaction time tests with similar perceptuo-motor and decision process
es. It mainly showed (1) impaired short term memory in posterior patients,
and (2) impairment of response inhibition and tasks combination in some fro
ntal patients. Selective deficits with double dissociations were evidenced
on novel, conflicting and combined tasks. This study provides additional ev
idence for the prominent role of the frontal lobes in control processes. Th
e demonstration of selective deficits of specific control processes suggest
s that executive functions depend on multiple separable control processes,
and that their operations can be specified in cognitive terms.