The need to find a safe and highly effective cure for neoplastic disease re
mains a major challenge for modern pharmacology. This paper reviews the ava
ilable literature on Ukrain (NSC631570) a novel semisynthetic drug obtained
from Chelidonium majus L. alkaloids. Ukrain has been demonstrated to posse
ss antineoplastic and immunomodulatory properties. inhibition of the growth
of cancer cell lines in vitro, tumor mass reductions in vivo, and partial
and complete remissions in oncological patients, occur as a result of Ukrai
n application. The drug may interfere directly with the metabolism of cance
r cells and it also improves the functioning of the host immune system. Dim
inished synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins, the inhibition of cellular oxyg
en consumption, and the induction of programmed cell death in malignant cel
ls have been described following Ukrain administration. The drug can also m
odify the immunological response via an increase in the number of total T-c
ells and a normalization of the T-helper/T-suppressor lymphocyte ratio. Ukr
ain therapy produces neither toxic consequences nor allergic reactions towa
rds the drug. Several case reports and clinical trial data indicate that Uk
rain may ameliorate effectively the progress of neoplastic disease and/or i
nduce a total cure.