Antagonistic pleiotropy, in which reproduction and viability counter each o
ther, appears to be widely thought of great significance in life history th
eory and the evolution of senescence. However, the conditions for maintenan
ce of polymorphism by antagonistic pleiotropy are quite restrictive. This i
s particularly so when there is no reversal of dominance for different trai
ts, sex-limited expression of fitness components, finite population size or
inbreeding. Furthermore, when antagonistic pleiotropy is compared with oth
er mechanisms of balancing selection, it appears to. have more restrictive
conditions for the maintenance of polymorphism. Although these theoretical
findings do not preclude the presence of loci that exhibit antagonistic ple
iotropy, because it appears so unlikely that antagonistic pleiotropy is an
important factor maintaining polymorphism, empirical evidence suggesting an
tagonistic pleiotropy as the factor maintaining polymorphism should be care
fully scrutinized.