For noisy X-ray fluoroscopy image sequences we quantitatively evaluated ima
ge quality after digital temporal filtering to reduce noise. Using an exper
imental paradigm called a reference/test adaptive forced-choice method we c
ompared detectability of stationary ion-contrast disks in filtered and unfi
ltered, computer-generated image sequences. In the first experiment, a ion-
pass first order recursive filter used in X-ray fluoroscopy was found to be
much less effective at enhancing detectability than predicted from the red
uction of display noise variance, a common measurement of filter effectiven
ess. Detectability nas reasonably predicted by a nonprewhitening human-obse
rver model (NPW-HVS) that included an independently determined human tempor
al-contrast-sensitivity function. In another experiment, designed to test m
odels over a range of temporal frequencies, ne used paired high-pass and lo
ci-pass temporal filters that both reduced noise variance by 25%. The high-
pass filter was artificially applied to the noise only and greatly improved
detectability; while the low-pass filter had little effect. The human-obse
rver model quantitatively described the measurements, but classical prewhit
ening and nonprewhitening signal detectors did not, As compared to the nonp
rewhitening, spatio-temporal matched filter, human-observer efficiency was
low and variable at 2.1%, 2.9%, and 0.06% for 60 frames 60 unfiltered low-p
ass and high-pass noise, respectively. As compared to this detector, humans
were not very effective at combining information across frames, On the oth
er hand, signal to noise ratios (SNR's) from the human-observer model were
comparable to human performance, and efficiencies were reasonably constant
at 40%, 52%, and 32%,respectively, We conclude that it is imperative to inc
lude human-observer models and experiments in the analysis of noise-reducti
on filtering of noisy image sequences, such as X-ray fluoroscopy.