OBJECTIVE: To assess the performance of the Study of the Efficacy of Nosoco
mial Infection Control (SENIC) risk index for the evaluation of the risk of
surgical-site infection (SSI) in a country other than the United States, h
aving a different health system.
SETTING: 350-bed university hospital in Spain belonging to the National Hea
lth System (Insalud).
DESIGN: Observational cohort study of 1,019 patients who underwent consecut
ive surgery from January to December 1992. Surgical-infection risk factors
assessed by the traditional wound-classification system (clean, clean-conta
minated, contaminated, and dirty-infected wound) and by the SENIC risk inde
x (length of intervention more than 2 hours, more than three discharge diag
noses, abdominal surgery, and contaminated or dirty-infected wound) were co
mpared by forward logistic regression.
RESULTS: The SENIC risk index showed a greater ability to predict SSI than
the traditional wound-classification system. The study carried out in our i
nstitution reproduced the estimators provided by the SENIC study in the Uni
ted States. The SENIC risk index provided a stepwise increase in SSI rates,
according to the number of factors present, for every traditional wound-cl
assification group. In the case of clean wounds, the incidence of surgical
infection (per 100 interventions) increased (1.5, 2.4, 5.5, and 50; P < .00
1) for patients having from zero to three risk factors of the SENIC risk in
CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the SENIC risk index results are reprodu
cible, and the index can be used to compare rates of wound infection across
countries with different health systems than the United States.