Greater access to alternative female-initiated barrier methods, such as the
female condom, is needed among women exchanging street sex. This study des
cribes knowledge of and experience with the female condom among 101 women e
xchanging sex for money and drugs on the streets of New York City, and exam
ines the acceptability of female condom use as an alternative barrier metho
d for HIV/STD prevention among this population. female condom use among thi
s sample of sex workers was found to be related to having a regular sexual
partner, living with someone who is a drug or alcohol abuser, not being hom
eless, using alcohol or intravenous heroin, having heard of the device, and
having discussed the device with other women or with a regular sexual part
ner. Despite decreased acceptability post-use, most sex workers indicated a
n intention for future female condom use.