The increasing sophistication used in the fabrication of semiconductor nano
structures and in the experiments performed on them requires more sophistic
ated theoretical techniques than previously employed. The philosophy behind
the author's exact envelope function representation method is clarified an
d contrasted with that of the conventional method. The significance of glob
ally slowly varying envelope functions is explained. The difference between
the envelope functions that appear in the author's envelope function repre
sentation and conventional envelope functions is highlighted and some erron
eous statements made in the literature on the scope of envelope function me
thods are corrected. A perceived conflict between the standard effective ma
ss Hamiltonian and the uncertainty principle is resolved demonstrating the
limited usefulness of this principle in determining effective Hamiltonians.
A simple example showing how to obtain correct operator ordering in electr
onic valence band Hamiltonians is worked out in detailed tutorial style. It
is shown how the use of out of zone solutions to the author's approximate
envelope function equations plays an essential role in their mathematically
rigorous solution. In particular, a demonstration is given of the calculat
ion of an approximate wavefunction for an electronic state in a one dimensi
onal nanostructure with abrupt interfaces and disparate crystals using out
of zone solutions alone. The author's work on the interband dipole matrix e
lement for slowly varying envelope functions is extended to envelope functi
ons without restriction. Exact envelope function equations are derived for
multicomponent fields to emphasize that the author's method is a general on
e for converting a microscopic description to a mesoscopic one, applicable
to linear partial differential equations with piecewise or approximately pi
ecewise periodic coefficients. As an example, the method is applied to the
derivation of approximate envelope function equations from the Maxwell equa
tions for photonic nanostructures.