We have developed a simple mechanistic model, which simulates the temporal
and spatial variability of concentrations of the diatom Aulacoseira granula
ta in the River Murray, NSW Australia, over large distances under different
flow conditions. The model incorporates a simple growth function determine
d by the availabilities of silica and light, and by temperature. It also in
cludes losses due to sinking and downstream advection. The model is tested
against weekly measurements for the period 1981-1990, at three sites separa
ted by 1100 km. The seasonal cycle of Aulacoseira concentrations along the
river is well represented by the model. During times of low flow, Aulacosei
ra concentrations increase through substantial growth in the upstream part
of the river. Further downstream, Aulacoseira concentrations diminish where
losses exceed growth, which is reduced due to silica limitation. During ti
mes of high Bow, the concentrations of Aulacoseira remain fairly uniform al
ong the river as the diatoms have insufficient time to grow before being ad
vected downstream.