Origin and rearrangement of ribosomal DNA repeats in natural allotetraploid
Nicotiana tabacum are described. Comparative sequence analysis of the inte
rgenic spacer (IGS) regions of Nicotiana tomentosiformis (the paternal dipl
oid progenitor) and Nicotiana sylvestris (the maternal diploid progenitor)
showed species-specific molecular features. These markers allowed us to tra
ce the molecular evolution of parental rDNA in the allopolyploid genome of
N. tabacum; at least the majority of tobacco rDNA repeats originated from N
. tomentosiformis, which endured reconstruction of subrepeated regions in t
he IGS. We infer that after hybridization of the parental diploid species,
rDNA with a longer IGS, donated by N. tomentosiformis, dominated over the r
DNA with a shorter IGS from N. sylvestris; the latter was then eliminated f
rom the allopolyploid genome. Thus, repeated sequences in allopolyploid gen
omes are targets for molecular rearrangement, demonstrating the dynamic nat
ure of allopolyploid genomes.