The present report documents an incidentally discovered, solitary amyloidom
a of the jejunum in a 70 year old man with no predisposing disorder or othe
r sites of deposition of amyloid, as was demonstrated at autopsy. Amyloid t
umors of the intestine have been reported only rarely. In those reports the
deposits were conventional in type, forming large masses of acellular, eos
inophilic, homogeneous material. In the case described here the deposits we
re in the form of corpora amylacea-like structures, or spheroids. To the be
st of our knowledge, the corpora amylacea-like structures, or spheroid amyl
oid, have not been previously described in bowel amyloidoma. This rare form
of amyloid deposition should be recognized so as to prevent misdiagnosis.