This study reanalyzed data from an examination by Hem, Griffeth, Palich, an
d Bracker (1998) of the mechanisms by which posthire realistic job previews
reduce turnover. Irving and Meyer (1999) argued that Hom et al. overstated
support for their mediation theory by calculating residual difference scor
es (errors derived from predicting experienced attainment of job outcomes f
rom initial expectations of outcomes) to operationalize met expectations. R
ather, Irving and Meyer showed that methodological weaknesses associated wi
th difference scores also plague residual difference scores. Prompted by th
eir demonstration, this research applied partial correlations (partialing o
ut experienced outcomes from residual differences) and Edwards' (1994) poly
nomial regression approach to verify whether met expectations underlie real
istic previews' effectiveness. These reanalyses disputed met expectations.
As a result, this inquiry revised the formulation advocated by Hom et al. (
1998), positing that coping strategies and perceptions of employer concern
account for how posthire previews work.