Objectives. To determine the long-term effects of finasteride treatment on
prostate tissue composition; to relate these effects to clinical outcomes;
and to test the hypothesis that finasteride exerts a selective or preferent
ial action on the transition zone.
Methods. Nineteen men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) w
ho completed a 6-month double-blind trial of finasteride were enrolled in a
24-month open-label extension study of drug responders. Magnetic resonance
imaging and prostate biopsy for morphometric analysis were performed toget
her 70 times: at baseline(n = 19), after treatment periods of intermediate
duration (6 to 18 months, n = 32), and after long-term drug treatment (24 t
o 30 months, n = 19). At baseline, prostate volume averaged 51 cc, of which
57% was transition zone.
Results. Decreases in symptom score, dihydrotestosterone and prostate-speci
fic antigen levels, and prostate volume occurred at 6 months (P <0.01), sta
bilized, and were maintained without further long-term decreases. Prostate
epithelium contracted progressively from baseline (19.2% tissue composition
; 6.0-cc volume; 3.2 stroma/epithelial ratio) to intermediate (12.5%, 3.3 c
c, and 5.6, respectively) to long-term treatment (6.4%, 2.0 cc, and 17.4, r
espectively, P <0.01 for all). Percent epithelial contraction was similar i
n the peripheral and transition zones (P = NS). The transition zone remaine
d a relatively constant proportion (53% to 58%) of whole-prostate volume fr
om baseline to long-term observation.
Conclusions. Long-term finasteride treatment (24 to 30 months) results in a
marked involution of the prostate epithelium, which continues to progress
for many months after clinical effects stabilize. The effect on the epithel
ium is similar in the peripheral and transition zones for both morphometric
and volumetric changes. Progressive contraction of the prostate epithelium
appears to constitute the underlying mechanism for sustained action of fin
asteride. (C) 1999, Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.